Tuesday, August 28, 2018


I'm really still not sure how the disaster that is Trump will shake out, but considering the (known, obvious) corruption, and his (very well known) tendency to pick sycophants over competent individuals seems like it's going to lead to some long-term problem for Republicans.  Not the least of which is: how can any [judicial] nominee put forward by this president be considered legitimate? Anything that Trump touches is tainted by Trump.  This maybe a problem for everyone if he manages to do something good, but so far that doesn't seem to be a concern.

Note: this is not entirely unlike Obama related things--particularly the ACA--but since Obama wasn't (isn't) a corrupt imbecile the "Obama taint" is really only something total fucking morons buy into. 

Also, yes, this works the other way too, lots of people felt Obama could do no wrong, even when he did (drone strikes, foreclosure crisis), and as per the link above, plenty of idiots think Trump is doing great...mostly because he pisses off the right people.

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