Monday, September 14, 2009

Ayn Rand

Overall this is a rather interesting read. I disagree fundamentally with the Randian philosophy, but still want to read Atlas Shrugged. I won't pay for it, however. It'll be a library book (supported by taxes).

Really though, Ayn Rand is a cult more than actual philosophy. Disagreement and discussion are not allowed, and real evidence which contradicts her precepts is ignored. Ayn Rand's "philosophy" is "intelligent design" (creationism) for economics.

1 comment:

Michael L. Heien said...

HAvving recently read Atlas Shrugged, I would recomend it. Its a good read. Athough her philosophy is DOA (would never actually work) some ideas can be used in a more diluted form.

The story is pretty good, and its well written.