Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Poor Congresswoman

Rep Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) is screaming racism and looking like a complete jackass. I'm pretty sure that if I had walked my white male butt through there, not going through the metal detector, not stopping when asked, and then hitting a guard I would have been tackled, dragged off in cuffs and had to stay in jail a night, and rightly so. If I had been allowed to continue then I'm sure Rep. McKinney would be in support of some bill that would toughen security, like setting a taser point for entrants who don't listen to the guards.

There are 535 senators and representatives (a handfull of faces change every two years). Even for a guard that has been there a long time, if one of those people makes a change in their appearance (like shaving a beard, or changing from cornrows to an afro) then they may not get the instant recognition and you should be expected to have to stop. Moreover, her whining about this is only serving to set herself up as a talking point so that Republicans can, once again, ignore the problems in this country and distract its voters.

To Rep. McKinney: apologize, shut up, and sit down. You are only hurting [the possibilities for] this country by being (in perception if not in fact) an uppity, whiny bitch. Even if you are right about racism being the factor, your approach to this is horribly off base. You sound like a spoiled brat. You sound like King George "Dubbya" acts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds brilliant...too bad it won't happen.