Thursday, May 18, 2006


I remember reading 4-5 yrs ago an op-ed piece on how Iran was a success story for democracy in the middle east. Things sure seem different today. In proclaiming that they are not children president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is acting more like one than he ususally does. Of course it is not as though the administration in this country behaves in any more mature of a fashion. I have always felt that people who wish to be in positions of power are the people least qualified to be there. The rhetoric resulting from power happy fools is destructive and idiotic.

"Ooo, I have a nucular[sic] arsenal and you don't and I'm gonna talk about using it just to scare you so as to ensure you don't get one." "Yea, well, I'm just going to keep on doing whatever I want because the world hates you already and will even more if you do anything." "So? Caring what the world thinks is for panty-waist peacemongers." yadda, yadda, yadda...

A couple more back and forths and Mahmoud will probably go straight for the throat with an "I triple dog dare you to bomb us." Yes, this will be a bit of a breach of ettiquete--he will certainly skip the triple dare, but also, in all likelyhood the double dog dare--but I'm sure you've noticed how quickly things escalate now days.


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