Monday, March 06, 2006

Channel One

When I was in the 7th or 8th grade I was selected to tape a commercial for channel one. I don't have the slightest idea what the commercial was for. I just remember going into downtown Dallas with my dad and Vincent (my classmate who did the spot with me). In fact I don't remember channel one at all. I know we had it, but it really was a non-entity. Things seem to be little different now, though the commercials are somewhat memorable. I have never thought that channel one was remotely worthwhile except that they provide free stuff to schools. That they would have such a moron as CEO seems to be a further indication of this.

Quoting CNN, or maybe the AP: "Channel One CEO Judy Harris questioned whether the students' purchases were influenced exclusively by Channel One ads or by other advertising and the preferences of their peers."

If the channel one ads didn't influence students, then advertisers WOULN'T PAY FOR THEM. She worms her way out of beeing completely idiotic by use of the word "exclusively," but that doesn't forgive her disturbing representation of channel one as innocuous. Channel one and everything associated with it is about greed, it just masks itself as educational (it may not have always been this way, and the people there now may believe they are doing good). I know schools need some of the technology offered, and place the blame for this fiasco firmly on the voters. You want good schools and low taxes. You can't have both. I don't care how bloated you (and I) think the government is, education doesn't receive 20% of what it should. Pay for it with taxes or with fat, brainwashed children.

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