Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Oh, those crazy Utes.

Utah Republican state Sen. Chris Buttars' bill that would force teachers to proselytize against evolution recently got shot down. Some quotes:

"I don't believe that anybody in there really wants their kids to be taught that their great-grandfather was an ape," - Sen. Buttars

That's true, some may come to the realization that many haven't evolved beyond that state.

"If we decide to weigh in on this part [evolution], are we going to begin weighing in on all the others [scientific theories 'from Quantum physics to Freud'] and are we the correct body to do that?" - Rep. Scott Wyatt-R

To answer: yes, and no. Here we see sense. Legistators are, by and large, not scientists, and should stay the hell out of the science classroom, and probably most other classrooms as well. There is no shortage of qualified individuals and organizations to look to for guidance as to what should be taught. In the case of science, here's a general rule of thumb: if your state's/city's guidelines don't match with what National Academy of Science thinks, then vote them out of office or move out of Kansas. (That I am in large part from that state and am a Jayhawk first and foremost causes me physical pain when I hear about the crap they are doing.)

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